ObjetFiltresBinTemps PoseNombres PosesTemps Total
NomSh2-224Luminance G75O151 x 160”190H19
ConstellationCocherRouge G75O151 x 190”21OH31
Distance14700 AlVert G75O151 x 160”20OH20
Détail prise de vueBleu G75O151 x 160”23OH23
LieuAmeiria Portugal
S2 G139 O301 x 1300”1129.2H
Date acquisition11/10 au 22/12/20Hα G139 O301 x 1300”21918.15H
SetupO3 G139 O301 X 1300”17914.55H
InstrumentTakahashi FSQ 106 EDTotaux51042H30
Diamètre106 mmBias1X199
Focale530 mmDark1X151
Rapport F/D5Flat1X111
MontureSkywatcher AZ EQ6 Pierro AstroAcquisition faite parTeam ARO
Caméra acquisitionASI 1600 MM CooledTraitement fait parTeam ARO
Caméra de guidageStarlight-X Press Lodestar X2Logiciels utilisés
Montage de guidageDO Starlight X pressAcquisitionTheSkyX , Focusmax, Maxpilote
Echantillonage1,48 arc/sTraitementPixinsight, Photoshop


The acquisition of this image was more laborious than expected. We had to do a long total exposure time to catch a glimpse of the nebulosities, given the low luminosity of the object, especially on the O3 layer, whose slashes can be found on the outer layer of the object. The treatment was not simple, but the result is quite nice.


Sh2-224 is a remnant of Supernova, visible in the north of the constellation of the Coachman.

The object consists of two tenuous filaments, the most visible of which is the North-Western one and extends 20’X30′ towards the centre of the radio wave source, which has dimensions of 70’X75′. Being moderately Nordic in declination, it is easy to observe in the Northern Hemisphere, where it is visible high in the sky most nights of the year.

The object has an unusual shape, with a hull structure with a radius of about 25 parsecs.

Another object is also very close Sh2-223 and is not visible in the picture.

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