M 81 and IFN

ObjetFiltresBinTemps PoseNombres PosesTemps Total
NomM 81 M 82Luminance1 x 1120”2698H97
ConstellationGrande OurseRouge
G75 O15
1 x 1120”973H24
Distance12 Millions AL Vert
G75 O15
1 x 1120”1183H93
Détail prise de vueBleu
G75 O15
1 x 1120”1003H67
LieuAmeiria Portugal

S21 x 1
Date acquisition07/03/2021 au 12/05/2021
G200 O60
1 x 1180”1346H70
SetupO31 X 1
InstrumentFSQ 106Totaux71825H74
Diamètre106 mmBias1 X 199
Focale530 mmDark1 X 151
Rapport F/D5Flat1 X 111
Monture EQ6 Pro SkywatcherAcquisition faite parTeam ARO
Caméra acquisitionZWO Asi 1600 MMTraitement fait parTeam ARO
Caméra de guidageLodestar X2Logiciels utilisés
Montage de guidageDO Starlight X pressAcquisitionTheSkyX , Focusmax, Maxpilote
Echantillonage1.48 arcsTraitementPixinsight, Photoshop


M81 (NGC 3031) is a spiral galaxy located in Ursa Major constellation about 12.0 million light years from the Milky Way. Its diameter is relatively modest at only 87,000 light years.

The arms of the Galaxy contain young, very hot (blue) stars formed over the past million years. M81 also has beautiful star-forming regions in its spiral arms. These regions correspond to the ‘red’ zones. The central bulge contains the oldest stars.

This image is a crop of our M81-M82 and IFN image 

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DÉCLINAISON:+69°03′ 55s